This is how i used queue to retrieve a response form a function in a different thread. This might be useful when the function in the separate thread talks to an instrument and the response time is unknown. I think there are much better way to do this, but it works…
import functools
import queue
import threading
import time
from random import randint
@ functools . total_ordering
class Job :
def __init__ ( self , priority , task , response_queue = None ):
self . priority = priority
self . task = task
self . response_queue = response_queue
def __eq__ ( self , other ):
return self . priority == other . priority
def __lt__ ( self , other ):
return self . priority < other . priority
def process_job ( task_queue ):
while True :
next_job = task_queue . get ()
if next_job . response_queue :
time . sleep ( 0.005 ) # Performing task and put the result in the response queue
next_job . response_queue . put ( next_job . task )
else :
time . sleep ( 0.001 ) # Performing a task with no response required
task_queue . task_done ()
def put_periodic_job ( task_queue ):
for i in range ( 10 ):
task_queue . put ( Job ( priority = 1 , task = None ))
def put_user_job ( task_queue ):
response_queue = queue . Queue ()
a = randint ( 1 , 100 )
task_queue . put ( Job ( priority = 1 , task = a , response_queue = response_queue ))
assert a == response_queue . get ()
response_queue . task_done ()
task_queue = queue . PriorityQueue ()
workers = [ threading . Thread ( target = process_job , args = ( task_queue ,)),
threading . Thread ( target = put_periodic_job , args = ( task_queue ,))]
for _ in range ( 50 ):
workers . append ( threading . Thread ( target = put_user_job , args = ( task_queue ,)))
for w in workers :
w . setDaemon ( True )
w . start ()
task_queue . join ()