Usage of fitwrappar package. Fit in one line of code.
Collection of matplotlib examples. Collection of common arguments for plotting functions.
Pandas cheat-sheet
Collection of common ideas to work with Pandas dataframes.
Colab Snippets
Collection of google colab snippets for ML.
Bayesian Opt
Example of Bayesian optimization for hyper-parameters tuning.
Feature selection
Collection of dimensionality reduction algorithm from sklearn.
Pandas groupby
Groupby, filter, aggregate, transform & apply.
Use geographic data to plot informations from a panda dataframe.
Simple EDA
Python snippet to perform a simple explorational data analysis on a dataframe.
k-armed bandit
Exploiting reinforcement learning strategies to tackle the k-armed bandit problem.
Example of Variational Auto Encoder using MNIST dataset.
Monte Carlo for RL
Simple code for three Monte Carlo methods for RL (exploring starts, epsilon-greedy, off-policy).
Data scaling
Collection od normalizations and standardizations techniques.
Histogram sampling
Sample from unknown 1D or 2D distributions using histograms.
Simple denoising autoencoder neural network.
Matplotlib gif
Create gif animation with matplotlib.
Iterative policy
Solving a simple maze problem exploiting iterative policy evaluation method.
Thought processes behind the development of a neural network.
Pyspark intro
A few pyspark examples on Databricks and Google Colab.
Collection of notes about the numpy library.
Scipy: solve ODE
Solving the quarter car model system using scipy.
NN from scratch
Simple implementation of neural network with genetic evolution from scratch (numpy only).
Interpolate 2D data-points to a given coordinate grid.
Jupyter imports
List of standard data analysis imports and magics.
Plot live update
Jupyter live plot update and random walk demonstration.
X-ray PNX
Diagnosis and localization of PNX problem from X-ray images using U-net.
Text progressbar
Simple implementation of a text progressbar.
ST3 key bindings
Custom key bindings for Sublime Text editor.
SARSA and Q-learn
Usage examples of Q-learning and SARSA algorithms.
Pandas merge
Merging pandas dataframe for dummies.
Data exploration
Common utilities for preliminary data exploration.
ML snippets
Common function for data preparation.
Torch tensorboard
Example of tensorboard in a pytorch project.
Train generator
Blueprint of a python generator to train machine learning models.
Feature importance
Feature importance using random forest and permutation importance.
Sort lists
Sort more than one list together.
Unix commands
A list of usefull unix commands
TFlite setup
Setup of tensorflow, tensorflow lite and coral usb accelerator on Ubuntu.
Parse command line arguments in python.
Chow statistics
Simple method to find discontinuities in lineardata.